Strengths and Weaknesses of Lylia Mobile Legends (ML)

Lylia is one of the best mage heroes you can play in Mobile Legends right now, this one hero has a small body with a cute face. Now for those of you who want to play Lylia, you can see the strengths and weaknesses of Lylia’s hero in Mobile Legends which we will convey below.

Of course, knowing Lylia’s strengths and weaknesses will make it easier for you to try using Lylia’s hero. Not only that, that way, especially those of you beginner Mobile Legends gamers will be faster in mastering and optimizing all of Lylia’s skills in Mobile Legends.

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide strengths and weaknesses for one of the mage heroes Lylia in the Mobile Legends game. So, especially for those of you who are mage users and want to try to play Lylia’s hero, you should see the full review that we will convey below.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Lylia Mobile Legends

All heroes in Mobile Legends certainly have their own strengths and weaknesses. Which of these heroes will be very easy for you to play if you know some basic things as follows.

Lylia’s strengths

  1. Has extensive AOE Skills
  2. Very Tough in the Early Game
  3. Has High Mobility
  4. Difficult to target opponents
  5. Fast Cooldown Skill

Lylia’s Weakness

  1. Ultimate Use That Rely On Timing
  2. It’s hard to focus on attacking a single target
  3. Difficult for Beginners to Play
  4. Not a Late Game Hero
  5. Easily Lose If One Against One

The strengths of Lylia in Mobile Legends

Has extensive AOE Skills

Lylia is one of the mage heroes with a large area attack. This one hero can detonate particles with an attack effect that can attack all opponents in the area. That’s why Lylia is very good as a hero damage dealer when the team fight takes place, and of course it can be your choice as a mage user in Mobile Legends.

Very Tough in the Early Game

The ability of Lylia’s hero will be very sick during the early game, and even without using items, one hero can beat his opponent easily. That’s why many Lylia users use this one hero to attack their opponents quickly when the game has just started. Lylia really likes to rush to make her opponent difficult when farming.

Has High Mobility

Lylia has excellent mobility thanks to her high movement speed and ultimate skill that can make her teleport. When activating the ultimate, Lylia will get Full and ready to fight again without recalling. Of course this is very useful when teamfight and Lylia have spare HP for preparation.

Difficult to target opponents

Lylia’s mobility ability is very difficult for opponents to target. Besides being able to provide burst damage to anyone near him. Lylia can also disappear at any time to avoid fatal attacks from her opponent. But the ultimate use is of course not every time you can use it, sometimes the cooldown will haunt you and you have to be good at using these skills.

Fast Cooldown Skill

Even so, the use of skills from Lylia is fairly fast, and it doesn’t take long to wait for Lylia’s skills to activate again. This is very useful for team fights in providing continuous attacks on nearby opponents.

Weaknesses of Lylia in Mobile Legends

Ultimate Use That Rely On Timing

Not only strengths, Lylia also has fatal weaknesses, one of which is that the ultimate use should not be arbitrary and rely heavily on timing. Which is the ultimate which should be used in an urgent situation, when your cellphone is thin but not defeated by your opponent. Use the ultimate when your HP is below 20%, OK!

It’s hard to focus on attacking a single target

The use of skills from Lylia itself has a very wide damage area but has a weakness which is quite difficult to focus attacks on one target that you are only after. What you have to need extra skills so that every attack from Lylia can be right on target.

Difficult for Beginners to Play

The use of skills that are quite complicated and complex, of course, takes a long time for those of you who want to play Lylia, especially a beginner. You need several dozen times to play before you can really master Lylia in Mobile Legends. Of course, don’t try to play in ranked mode the first time!

Not a Late Game Hero

Lylia is one of the heroes included in the early game. Which of these abilities can be optimal at the beginning of the match rather than at the end of the match. Of course this requires you to play in fast mode. Try to finish the game in just 12 minutes and don’t wait over that. because it will be very difficult for Lylia to fight late game heroes like marksman and assassin.

Easily Lose If One Against One

Using Lylia’s hero, of course, you have to pay close attention, don’t let you use Lylia as an offlaner who is on duty alone. This of course is because Lylia is very vulnerable to losing when one on one. That’s why playing Lylia’s hero should be a midlaner who can continuously support your team’s hero tank in Mobile Legends.

So that’s it for this review regarding the strengths and weaknesses of Lylia’s hero that you can find in Mobile Legends. Hopefully, the presence of the above reviews can be useful especially for those of you who are mage users who want to try to play Lylia’s hero in Mobile Legends.